" WHAT HAPPINESS IS , it is a part of my being, but if i am focused on the external aspects of life,i will not be able to experience it. " IS THAT POSSIBLE TO BE HAPPY😀 ALL THE TIME ❓ 🤔 O ur experience of happiness tends to be temporary, lasting a few moments or, at the most,a few years. What everyone wants is to be happy all the time. Reason- The reason we are not constantly happy is that we seek HAPPINESS outside -- in . people, . places , . t hings and . circumstances. -When these factors are to our liking ,we feel happy,and when they are not , we get upset. As long as we are dependent on external things for our happiness , we cannot be happy always. -' Happiness is a part of my being' , but if i am focused on the external aspects of life,i will not be able to experience it. -Instead, I will blame others or circumstances for my unhappiness. Situations and oth...
WHO ARE YOU - When, we are asked to introduce ourselves,as " Who are you? ". Some give the name of their body , although man is not Merely a body of FLESH and BONES. REAL IDENTITY❓- Some disclose their professional identity, such as Lawyer 👩🎓or businessman🕴️, Doctor👨🏻⚕️ , although we all know that a person does exist even before he takes up a profession and he doesn't cease to exist after he gives up the same . Still others introduce themselves by their race , sex or nationality.These all statements refer either to the bodily features or country of the person concerned. HUMAN BEINGS-Although man, is not merely a body of flesh and bones. If it is wrong, then why everyone has not perfect body, health ? So, everyone should have perfect body! Why there is discrimination ? As you observe, S ome baby is perfect and someone is handicap by birth; you ...